About Firehook


The idea behind Firehook comes from a passionate conservationist and philanthropist.

This app is easy to guide, working closely with businesses and individuals in a large-scale Not for Profit wildlife conservation campaign.

Our goal? To bring these powerhouses together and reach common ground where funds will be provided for various conservation projects around the world, which are viewed and designated onwards by its subscriber entries.

It is envisaged that with the help of the Firehook App, the revenues of these projects will simply increase to a level never seen or experienced by many foundations.

Five recipients are assigned for the period of fund calculation currently at 6 months. Subscribers also have the ability to suggest conservation projects to Firehook HQ for future review and placement.

The App is unique as there is no other like it. Finally, we have an app that gives back to conservation.

How Firehook works

There are two categories within the App for registration:
- Business users
- Individual users

Business Users

Business users pay a monthly premium for placement on the app platform.

Businesses will enter their company information. In essence, its a platform that works just like your website, but easier to load and update content, as and when.

Within your page you have the following links;
Rate, Reviews, About, Categories, Photos, Location, Inquire and Contact.

Whether you post a safari, shooting or fishing trip currently available, or post a cancelation trip, your followers will receive your updates as and when they are posted.

There are no hidden fees, users inquire directly to your company for availability on products that you supply.

The Businesses that violate the following protocol will be removed;

  1. Graphic content (excessive blood, images of cruelty to all fauna)
  2. Excessive Profanities (derogatory language, sexism, swearing)
  3. Any post that depicts a person as being pretentious or disrespectful of themselves, their possessions in the main focus of the frame.

If Firehook HQ is contacted by users about irrelevant content from a particular company, Firehook will review, contact the company directly and adjust accordingly.

Individual Users 

Individuals have the pleasure of navigating through a non-internet based App that is functional, supports conservation and involves you in designating your portion of spend.

Select your topics and follow companies, view their posts, like and contact companies directly and engage with a one on one dialog.

70% of funds from your subscription will be placed in the Firehook Foundation Non Profit Account.

Every 6 months, an email will be sent to all individual members where you will be able to designate your spend to the conservation organisation you would like to support.

Conservation is paramount to all species of Fauna and Flora in this world, and the Firehook team is passionate about this and the future of our planet!

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